First day
Waiting steven and moon them fetch me go
In d car (with new moon)
Papa rich (our lunch)
me and nicole
Papa rich (our lunch)
me and nicole
me and moon
In CLUD de5ive (our new shop)
me and nicole
in CLUD de 5ive
steven,korean ppl,me,moon,nicole
i duno her name=,=,me,moon,nicole
me n nicole
Our new shop(from korea)
break time(toilet)
break time(toilet)
first days night
after work 11.00pm
both of Club de5ive staff and CEO
have steamboot at sunway area
OYA~very nice..
They all very kind.
I like them..
she do sumthing let me laugh
now i still remember what she do
okay okay,i stop it
second night
after work 10.00pm
both of us take picture in club de5ive
but not in my phone
i haven get it
I will upload it after i get it
Miss~Anyonghasehyo ><"
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